When to Update Fire Systems

Even if it’s Working

It’s a common practice to regularly test and change your fire alarm batteries. Typically people use Daylight Savings Time as a reminder. However, there comes a point when the entire system needs an update, even if the regular tests seem to be working properly. Learn about when to update fire systems in your home or office and help prevent a future disaster.

When to Update Fire Systems

While regularly testing your system is important, updating your system is also critical, especially in certain situations. Here are some of the more obvious ones:

  • Non-functioning. If your regular tests prove your alarm isn’t working, it’s time for a new one. There are many reasons for a system to stop working. Either it’s too old, dirty, or a component failed. Whatever the case, it’s time to update.
  • Out-of-date. Older systems may not be working properly, even if the regular tests seem to be functioning. Some systems have different sensors for detecting smoke or other harmful gasses. While the test button may sound, it doesn’t mean it will work properly when smoke or carbon monoxide is in the air. Typically, if a system is over 10 years old, it should be updated completely.
  • Sensitivity. Sometimes your alarm can be too sensitive and sound when there isn’t a true emergency. Sometimes they’re not sensitive enough. An unreliable fire system is not effective, especially if people are ignoring an alarm that constantly goes off.

Updating Your Space? Update Your System

There are times when you should consider updating your fire system even if the one you currently have is functioning fine. These cases may not be as obvious as a broken or unreliable system, but they’re just as important.

  • Renovating. If you’re expanding or reconfiguring your space, you should consider updating the fire system as well. A larger space may require multiple systems to cover the square footage. Also, if the space now serves a different purpose that requires different equipment, your fire equipment should be updated to cover the potential risk.
  • Up-to Code. Even if your space hasn’t changed, the fire code may have. Business owners should especially be aware of new codes that require certain system upgrades, such as fire monitoring, emergency dispatch, and early detection. Not only is it important to update your system to meet safety requirements, but it could be against the law if you don’t comply.

Ready for an Upgrade?

When it’s time to update your system, make sure the one you use matches all your new requirements. A professional can evaluate your current system and recommend what needs to be done to ensure it’s the safest, most reliable program you can have. Continue to regularly test any system to help ensure the safety of your home, family, workspace, and company. One of the best ways to make sure your system stays up-to-date and code is to have a professional conduct regular inspection as well. Contact Security Five for more information about evaluating and updating fire systems.