Testing Fire Systems
Before the Holiday Hoopla

Before you fire up the oven, roll out the sale rack or close up shop for the holiday season, make sure testing fire systems is on your to-do list. Whether you’re protecting your home or office, it’s one item you should check twice.
Testing Fire Systems
We all know to check the smoke detector batteries every time daylight savings comes around. But what about the rest of our alarm system? Home security has grown to be a lot more than one simple smoke alarm. Make sure you’re regularly checking all system components including motion sensors, cameras, sprinklers, and notifications. Simply observe what’s working correctly and what may need to be addressed. It’s easier to fix a small issue with a fire system than to let it go and cause the entire system to malfunction.
System Inspection
Some fire systems are more complicated and connect multiple functions on one network. These should not only be tested regularly, but the entire system should be inspected by a licensed professional. Companies with third party systems may have scheduled inspections written into a contract, especially if they’re required to consistently stay up to code for insurance purposes.
Again, if smaller issues are caught during regular tests, it’s less likely to lead to a larger more costly issue. The biggest issue is not protecting your space and its occupants.
The frequency of these inspections will vary based on specific fire codes and the type of equipment you have, but here are some basic guidelines:
- Every week: check control panels, power supplies, fuses, and warning lights for any sign of trouble.
- Every month: check batteries and other power sources; verify central station monitoring company is receiving signals; ensure the fire extinguisher is still pressurized.
- Every quarter: check sprinkler systems.
- Every year: check all fire components and equipment including smoke detectors, initiating devices, and notification appliances.
Professional Testing and Inspection
While some of the more regular tests you can run yourself, it’s best to have a qualified professional handle inspections to ensure everything is up to code. When you’re not sure what the requirements are in your area, contact Security Five or your local fire official. Don’t let the holiday hoopla overshadow safety concerns. Put safety first and you’re more likely to celebrate into the new year.