Four Benefits of CCTV for Your Business

Business CCTV System

Short for closed-circuit television, a CCTV monitoring system is a security tool that captures and records videos in a particular area or property and transmits the signal to a computer screen. CCTV allows business owners to stay on top of activities in and around their area of business. Here are four reasons why CCTV could benefit your business.

CCTV as a Crime Deterrent

The best defense is a good offense. Put burglars on the defense by recording their every move. You’ll need indoor and outdoor security cameras with night vision and a decent hard drive to record a few days worth of video. If you can’t afford the real thing, fake cameras can sometimes work as a deterrent. But make doubly sure that they’re not cheap plastic. Thieves can spot a fake at a single glance.

CCTV for Prosecuting Criminals

Footage from CCTV systems have helped clinch the case in countless crimes around the world. Police officers often say that CCTVs make all the difference in identifying offenders and speeding up investigations. The cameras may be able to help in the detection and arrest of offenders. A CCTV camera can now get an unbelievably clear image of the criminal’s face so the local police can identify them and prosecute them for the crime they have committed. CCTV can lead to reduced crime rates, too, when combined with strong, dedicated local law enforcement.

CCTV for a Sense of Security

Researchers have conducted a number of studies to determine if the presence of cameras in public places reduces fear of crime among people who use the area. Many of these studies measured people’s fear of crime and their buying habits in areas with CCTV systems. Overall, the studies showed a modest reduction in level of fear of crime among people in CCTV areas, chiefly among people who were aware they were in an area under surveillance.

Most studies exploring the perception of surveillance areas found that less than half the interviewees were aware they were in a CCTV area. Reduced fear of crime in an area may increase the number of people using the area, hence increasing natural surveillance. It may also encourage people to be more security conscious.

CCTV for Increased Profitability

In addition to providing a safer environment for employees and business owners, CCTV security system can greatly improve business efficiencies and profitability. Thieves and shoplifters are less likely to strike a business that is protected by closed circuit television cameras.

Ask Security Five How CCTV Might be Right for Your Business

Turn to the professionals at Security Five for advice on the number of cameras you might need and the system that will be most effective for your business needs. Our team of experts have decades of experience, so you can trust us to provide work of the highest quality and with the most up-to-date techniques. Call Security Five today at 610-323-9511.

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