6 CCTV Alternatives

How to Stay Secure Without the System


For those looking for a way to help protect their home without all the equipment, maintenance, and security service fees, here are some CCTV alternatives.

Simple CCTV Alternatives

If you want to protect your home, but you don’t want to set up cameras and networks, try some of these more simplified security options.

  1. Let there be lights. You can set lights on a timer, leave a few on when you leave, and install motion-sensing spotlights around your home to help increase security. Some motion sensors are even synced with apps to alert you of any action.
  2. Lock it up. Any door or window is a possible entry point. Make sure they’re all securely locked to give would-be thieves one more reason to skip your house.
  3. Neighborhood watch. Some developments already have a system in place for neighbors helping neighbors. It’s always a good idea to have a trusted neighbor look after things in your absence. Ask them to collect mail, trashcans, or anything that gives others the idea you’re not home.
  4. Hide the valuables. Keep any cash, jewelry, and other valuables secure and out of sight—especially from windows. This also goes for spare keys. Don’t leave them out in the open, or even in an obvious hiding spot, like under a rock by the door.
  5. Don’t leave notes. Keep any indication you’re away off the front door. This includes notes to neighbors or delivery people. This also goes for social media. Public pictures of you away on vacation is a welcome sign to those looking for an empty house.
  6. Beware of dog. Some dogs make enough noise to deter anyone looking for an easy target. Even if you don’t have a dog, a Beware of Dog sign out front can give thieves pause.

Affordable CCTV Systems

If you’re looking for more cost-effective security solutions, you don’t have to choose the most expensive option. There are reliable cameras and systems for a range of budgets. Contact Security Five for more information about a CCTV system or alternative that’s right for you.

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