Do You Need a CCTV System?
Requirements and Questions to Consider
How many times have you asked yourself if you need a CCTV system? By now, you’ve probably seen many different security systems advertised. Many of them look easy enough to install and monitor. But have you purchased one yet, or do you still have questions? Maybe this can help answer some.
CCTV Requirements to Consider
Whether you want to secure your small home or large corporation, there’s a security system to fit your needs. All you have to do is determine what those needs are.
- Do you want to keep your property safe?
- Want to keep your loved ones safe?
- Do you want to monitor employees or customers?
- Prevent shoplifting and vandalism?
- How about ensuring a restricted area is secure?
- Or increase employee productivity and provide accurate feedback?
Cameras are easy enough to place just about anywhere inside or outside a home or place of business. Obviously, it depends on its purpose to determine the best placement and whether it monitors activities during a certain time, when sensored by motion or sound, or when activated by certain parties.
Where Do You Need a CCTV System
Since cameras can be expensive and only have limited range, you need to carefully plan where to place them. Keep privacy issues in mind, since these cameras are meant to deter unlawful activity. Some of the more common places cameras will do the most good include:
- Front and back doors
- Common spaces
- Driveways
- Security gates
- Parking lots
- Off-street windows
Make sure the camera can easily connect to the system storing the footage, unless it’s a wireless device. Indoor and outdoor cameras also differ depending on weather-proofing, lighting features, and audio, so make sure you get the one that best fits your needs.
Do You Need Professional Installation
Depending on the system you require, you may be better off having it installed by pros. If it’s a simple system with one wireless camera that connects to a mobile app, you can easily handle its set-up. However, if multiple cameras and third-party networking is involved, call someone who’s installed it before.
If you still have questions about the right CCTV for your situation, call the specialists at Security Five today for a consultation.
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