Commercial Safety Gate for Stairs
From Components to Constructing the Right Gate

When you think about installing safety gates in front of stairs, it’s usually to protect children and pets. However, those who work in industrial factories and construction sites know that a commercial safety gate for stairs is just as important for all who work in the area.
Components of Commercial Safety Gates
In order to ensure safety, gated stairways require more than just a hook and latch. From gating one step to securing ladder access to the roof, commercial safety gates can come with many components, including:
- horizontal grab bars
- hatch grips
- railing systems
- self-closing locks
- And more.
Each component can be designed to fit various specifications.
How Safe is Your Commercial Safety Gate
When the safety of other people are at stake, you want to make sure the equipment and work area meets all safety requirements. Look for manufacturers of OSHA-compliant safety gates for greater peace of mind—whether made from aluminum, stainless steel, or galvanized steel.
Safety gates for steps come with its own level of precautions, since there’s a greater risk of falling and injury if used in the wrong way. The type of gate and how it’s used will determine the level of safety. For example:
- A swing gate that opens toward a steep stairwell would not be as effective as one that opens away from the user and can self-close once cleared.
- Certain ladder gates and roof hatches should come with padlocks to regulate who can access the area.
- Use a double gate for stairways larger than three feet wide.
Commercial Safety Gate Construction
No matter what you need the gate for, one that’s not built from solid, sturdy material won’t last, meaning it’s less likely to protect anyone for long. When you want the job done right, hire professionals who can source the right material and install it in the most effective way following the latest safety standards. Treat the safety of those in the work environment with the same care as you would your children and pets, and choose the commercial safety gate that keeps everyone safe.